Based in the idyllic market town of Denbigh, North Wales, Zombie Hunt HQ was built in 1915 to rehabilitate soldiers returning from the front in World War One.

It had a more macabre purpose in later years, as it was used to prepare the dead for burial by the adjacent Church. Part of the existing features of this gothic building is a hoist used to lift bodies into caskets prior to burial in what originally used to be a shooting range for the soldiers.

This gave the inspiration to create the ultimate Zombie Shooting Experience by resurrecting the Old Shooting Range. Our magic formula provides the perfect activity for corporate entertainment, team building, birthday parties, social groups, family days out or simply for some fun fuelled stress relief.

Team members

Marc Roberts – Zombie Hunt Creator & Range Master
When he’s not training Zombie Outbreak Response Teams, Marc works as a Business Excellence Consultant, helping to grow internal capability and create thriving organisations. He has over 28 years experience engaging teams across multiple industries to drive focused improvement and promote a great place to work. He is also the author of Performance Hubs: Engaging Teams in Focused Improvement.

Sonia Roberts – Owner Director
A subsidiary of Beach Body Studio, Sonia is the Owner Director of the Zombie Hunt HQ. Sonia is a professional fitness instructor and personal trainer. She is a world champion martial artist, advanced boxercise instructor and former bikini athlete.

What does a zombie hunt Franchise consist of?
What do you get as a Franchisee?

Track record of success

We have developed a method of doing business that works well and produces successful results.


Strong brand

One of the biggest advantages of franchising is that the company is building a brand on a regional or national basis that should have value in the eyes of customers you’re trying to attract.


Training programme

We have a training programme designed to bring you up to speed on the most successful methods to run the business. We have reference materials to assist you in dealing with whatever comes up while you’re running your business.


Ongoing Operational Support

We have staff dedicated to providing ongoing assistance to franchisees. You’re not alone when you’re building and running your business, and you can always call on experienced people when you hit a rough spot or want to share new ideas for growing the business.


Marketing Assistance

We will offer you marketing assistance to provide you with proven tools and strategies for attracting and retaining customers.


Purchasing Power

As a franchise you can take advantage of the buying power of the entire system to negotiate prices for everything you need at significantly lower levels than you could achieve as an independent operator.

What you get…

  • The Zombie Hunt experience workflow
  • Golden rules for safety
  • Atmospheric music play lists
  • Range Set-up instructions and layouts
  • Target templates – bespoke Zombie Hunt Shooting games and challenges
  • Range Management templates (risk assessments, shooting logs, declaration forms etc.)
  • Guidance on running sessions
  • Guidance on gun selection, maintenance and safety checks
  • Instructions for creative target design (self-made reactive and bleeding targets)
  • Designs for cost effective target retrieval systems (for permanent ranges)
  • Corporate Event Management Templates
  • T-shirt and merchandise designs
  • Logos marketing flyer and business card templates
  • Key supplier contacts
  • Dedicated Website Page with integrated cashless booking system
  • Zombie Hunt email address
  • Private Facebook Support Group
  • Start-up check sheets
  • Train the trainer pack for employees
  • National Zombie Hunt Competitions and Awards

The earnings potential

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Income 336,000 336,000 336,000
Expenditure 107,765 101,280


Profit 228,235 234,720



Based on a 6 lane set up, working 5 days a week, 4 sessions a day, 40 weeks of the year. and an all-inclusive fee of £35 per person. Excluding Range Master Salary (Note! Additional revenue can be earned with clubs and merchandise).

There’s a return on up front set-up investment after 23 sessions. Potentially less than 2 weeks.

Satisfied Customers

“Would highly recommend it. Thanks Marc.”

“We had a great time, friendly and well organised. Highly recommended.”

“Very friendly welcome. Definitely worth a visit. It’ll get you ready for the apocalypse no doubt!!!!!”

“Group of 8 including 4 kids 12-16 + 4 adults. Great fun. Well organised. Marc was very professional but at the same time very friendly and welcoming. Always calm. As there were 8 of us we ran over time but this was no problem for Marc. He wanted to make sure we did all that was planned and enjoyed ourselves. The price was excellent value for what we had and would highly recommend a visit!
P.S. The kids did better than the adults :)”

“Amazing experience and great fun. Easy to get used to so for anyone who hasn’t handled a gun can still enjoy themselves.”

“Fantastic family day out. Very professional. Highly recommend”

“Thoroughly enjoyed our day today at the Zombie Hunt. It was an awesome experience that kept us captivated through to the end. We all had the opportunity to shoot several types of Air Rifles at many different zombies. Marc our zombie hunter kept us safe throughout and we left without being eaten alive! Highly recommend this experience. Thank you.”

What you need

What do you need to be successful as a Zombie Hunt Franchisee?

There is just no escaping the fact that running your own business can be hard work. However, you are doing it for yourself and the rewards of a Zombie Hunt franchise will be there for you to see from day one. If you possess the following attributes, then a Zombie Hunt franchise could be just what you have been looking for:

  • A willingness to work hard, because there is simply no substitute for hard work.
  • A willingness to persevere, because there will always be times when things don’t go according to plan.
  • The desire to work for yourself and take proper control of your own destiny.
  • The desire to work with others who all share your commitment to the highest standards.

If everything you’ve read so far makes sense, and you think that a Zombie Hunt Franchise is something you want to know more about, we should talk further.

For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.

10 + 9 =

Need anything else?

If you want to find out about our franchise services, or if you would like a free review of your business without cost or obligation, contact us today.