Your opportunity to join us as a Franchise Partner.

Franchising is a business strategy. When implementing any new business strategy you seek to maximise the returns whilst minimising the risks. We will ensure you achieve just that. We have the best people and a fantastic track record of success in franchising.

Franchise partner download

Download your free guide today

The package

You will have access to all documents immediately.

We can offer you an administration service, plus marketing and legal advice along with:

License to trade and operate under the How2Franchise name
Territory research information
An induction and training programme at our Head Office in Oxfordshire
Full support and assistance in setting up your office and establishing your territory
Full Marketing Support and POS material
A full programme of ongoing training locally to you
A Full Template Documentation Package well worth the franchise fee by itself
IT, which includes a hosted email addresses and webpage
A full marketing launch package to establish your business within the territory
Dedicated Head Office personnel on hand to support you and your business

You make your money by selling on this much in demand service and we make a fixed fee. We are looking for people who:

Are business-minded
Have managerial and/or sales experience
Well-developed people skills
Great communication skills
You need to show initiative, commitment to the business, be competent and have a determination to succeed

Download your free information pack today.

How2Franchise services are in demand and you could build your future with a this partnership franchise, enjoying excellent financial rewards and a high level of personal satisfaction, by providing a valuable service in your area.

simply fill in the form and download your free information pack today.

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Need anything else?

If you want to find out about our franchise services, or if you would like a free review of your business without cost or obligation, contact us today.