Franchise Opportunity

Who are Dairy2Door

Dairy2Door was founded in 2015 by Company Director Jason Joyce who has worked in the Milk Industry for several companies since 1999 a Milk man, Holiday Cover, Supervisor, Franchisee, Manager to owning my own business. We have 2 office Team Members and 8 other members of staff in our team.

I was also 3rd in Milkman on the year 2001, 2 years after becoming a milkman a nationwide competition with over 10,000 Milk men nominated

And most recently this year we have received a care in the community award for our services during lockdown.

Plastic waste has become public enemy number one since David Attenborough revealed the horrific damage plastic is doing to our oceans in Blue Planet II. And when it comes to milk, glass bottles are an obvious alternative to plastic pints. As a Dairy2Door franchisee you will be able to deliver glass bottles to your customers.

Switching all 1 pint plastic milk bottle orders to glass has saved 100 tonnes of plastic a year

Milkmen appeared in Britain around 1860, when the first railways allowed fresh milk to arrive in cities from the countryside. By 1880, the milk was delivered in bottles.

British consumers show their love for dairy every day. If any evidence were needed to prove that, then the fact that 96% of adults buy milk should be proof enough.

The figures speak for themselves: there are 13,000 active dairy farmers producing over 14 billion litres of milk each year, worth a staggering £8.8bn at wholesale level.

Britain’s 13,000 dairy farmers are among the world’s most dedicated and professional They are also custodians of millions of acres of pasture land and nearly 1.9 million dairy cows. With generations of dairying know-how behind them, they are highly competitive and growing export opportunities.


Dairy2Door are now expanding and we have a variety of new franchise opportunities right now in several locations. If you want to join with us as we continue our expansion across the UK, we would like to hear from you.

What does a Dairy2Door
Franchise consist of?

What do you get as
a Franchisee?

So many people think of starting their own business – not just for the financial rewards but for the opportunity to be your own boss and run your own life. But the downside is that although you get all the rewards, you also take the risks. Taking on a franchise within a proven operation reduces those risks substantially. By joining Dairy2Door, you can reduce them even more!


Track record of success

We have a developed a method of doing business that works well and produces successful results.
Strong Brand – One of the biggest advantages of franchising is that the company is building a brand on a regional or national basis that should have value in the eyes of customers you’re trying to attract.


Training programme

We have a training programme designed to bring you up to speed on the most successful methods to run the business. We have reference materials to assist you in dealing with whatever comes up while you’re running your business.


Ongoing operational support

We have staff dedicated to providing ongoing assistance to franchisees. You’re not alone when you’re building and running your business, and you can always call on experienced people when you hit a rough spot or want to share new ideas for growing the business.


Marketing assistance

We will offer you marketing assistance to provide you with proven tools and strategies for attracting and retaining customers.


Purchasing power

As a franchise you can take advantage of the buying power of the entire system to negotiate prices for everything you need at significantly lower levels than you could achieve as an independent operator.


Risk avoidance

The biggest reason to buy a franchise is that, if you’re smart, it will help you avoid much of the risk of starting a new business.

Business support package

A Franchisee will receive:

Purpose Built round in a designated area

Full training and support

From 2 days or 4 days’ work per week

4 weeks holiday per year

Legal fees paid

Signage for vehicle included

Email address supplied

Help with accountants

Help with business insurance

Help with financing

Help with Leasing a vehicle and insurance

Help with Mobile Phone set up

We will control any Online, electronic or Direct Debit Payments on their behalf

They will be involved from the ground up in building there round

Exclusive Milk & Goods supply agreement

Potential to earn up to £40,000 per year after tax

Available from £15,000 per Franchise

Access to a purpose-built depot, support from a Depot Manager, Holiday Cover, Yard support and breakdown support

Our aim is to provide a nationwide quality service to customers with an emphasis on personal service and professionalism.

One of the main benefits of Franchising is that it is a business partnership between Franchisee and Franchisor. Head Office support is essential especially in the early trading days of the franchisee, and it will always be readily available. In the early days there will be a very much hands on approach, gradually stepping back and letting you, the Franchisee take complete control as you become more confident, professional and experienced.

So if you’re looking for a Franchise opportunity with some real strengths search no more.

Milk facts

How much milk is drunk in the UK?
Back in 2010 around 110m litres of Milk was consumed. Over the last few years consumption has continued to increase at a huge rate. In 2016 nearly 150m litres were consumed.

Which country drinks the most milk?
Suprisingly Finland tops the table of the country that consumes the most amount of Milk consuming some 361kg of milk per a capita. In second place is Sweden at 355kg of milk per a capita leaving the UK so way behind in position 20 at 241kg of milk per a capita.

How many glasses of milk do cows drink in a lifetime?
A cow produces an average of 6.3 gallons of milk daily and 350,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.

Name your cow?
Farmers who called their cows by name reported 258 liters higher milk yield than those who did not.

Look after your mug of tea with milk
Historically, milk is added to the tea and it was a sign of wealth when someone added their milk afterward, as pouring tea with low-quality porcelain would break the cup.

Where the term “milk” comes from
The term “milk” comes from “Old English meoluc (West Saxon), milc (Anglian), from Proto-Germanic *meluks “milk”.

The nutritional value of milk
Cow’s milk contains, on average, 3.4% protein, 3.6% fat, and 4.6% lactose, 0.7% minerals and supplies 66 kcal of energy per 100 grams.

Avoid jail!
It is Illegal in Pennsylvania to use milk crates for anything other than milk and unauthorized use of milk crates can induce a fine of $300 or imprisonment up to 90 days.

We think it ends with a glass of milk
On a dairy farm, a farmer’s day begins and ends with milking the cows.

The earnings potential

What you can earn out of a Dairy2Door franchise is, in the final analysis, up to you: how hard you work, and how gifted you are. It’s no different to anything else. But you’ll be surprised at how the numbers can stack up.

Year one Year two
Gross income
£210,284 £236,000
Total overheads £184,568 £195,280
Net profit
£25,716 £40,716


It is important to emphasise that the above figures are projections provided for the purpose of illustration and are not intended to be a statement, representation, warranty or guarantee of individual franchisee earnings. It is essential that (prior to entering into the franchise) you satisfy yourself of the value of the investment you intend to make in terms of both time and money.

What you need

There is just no escaping the fact that running your own business can be hard work. However, you are doing it for yourself and the rewards of a Dairy2Door franchise will be there for you to see from day one. If you possess the following attributes then a Dairy2Door franchise could be just what you have been looking for:


A willingness to work hard, because there is simply no substitute for hard work.


A willingness to persevere, because there will always be times when things don’t go according to plan.


The desire to work for yourself, and take proper control of your own destiny.


The desire to work with others who all share your commitment to the highest standards.

If everything you’ve read so far makes sense, and you think that a Dairy2Door Franchise is something you want to know more about, we should talk further.

For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.

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Need anything else?

If you want to find out about our franchise services, or if you would like a free review of your business without cost or obligation, contact us today.